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Connecting with God & Discovering Your Purpose...

[ The most important thing is this: to be ready at any moment to sacrifice what you are for what you could become. ~Charles Dickens ]

[I have been bent and broken, but I hope into a better shape. ~Charles Dickens]

In my experience and ever growing relationship with the Lord, the only way to learn how to create a truly purposeful path in life is to step back, slow down, (I know it's hard but it's necessary) and get connected to the Lord God. That is the only formula that's been effective. :)

[ Both Veronica & Ann came to the LivingThruGrace House feeling trapped behind the bars of their own lives, blind to the ways for effective transformation. Little did they know God's light was surrounding them the whole time.]

Many people believe that the Lord will provide us with 'certain works' to complete so that we'll be complete, but I've learned over and over again that my only 'job' for the Lord is to establish a relationship, obey, listen and follow his will for me. [ Yes, this can be a challenging job! :D ] God's desire for me changes as he sees fit for my refinement, and benefit. Situations, jobs, relationships and businesses my be allowed to fall apart because it wasn't his will for my life, because there was and will always be a much bigger picture that I cannot see or understand.

Solomon, know as the wisest man to live understood that life is delusive, ineffective if it's lived solely for this world. He teaches us that life is about honoring God with our lives. Part of honoring Him is to fear him ( in the same way that we have a 'fear' and reverence for our parents) and to keep his commandments. These days, many don't want to hear God's real truth because they don't want to be 'controlled' or feel that they should answer to anyone. Current society relays the message to people that your life is all about you and don't worry not about the consequences.

This world is leading so many astray with these self focused and self centered beliefs;

[For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unthankful, unholy. ~2 Timothy 3:2]

Sound familiar? Sounds like our current world situation doesn't it?

[ Don't allow satan continue to 'fumble' or make a touchdown with your life! ]

I know that I've struggled, stumbled and spent many times trapped ( upside down like Veronica, in the pic above like a spider in a web! ) believing the lies about myself based on worldly views. I've lost so much precious time and energy behind 'satan's bars' of false images of what and who I was supposed to be or do in my life. It's sad and frustrating to think back on what I put myself through ( though I understand we all have a journey and it will get hot and we'll get burned going through it as imperfect beings ).

[ When we're not centered in God's world, this world will be waiting to throw us off balance away from the Lord's desires for us. ]

Jesus set the bar high, he set a new paradigm for everyone for, the real purpose of living! No, none of us are Jesus, though we are ( If we are believers and accept him as our Lord and Savior, his brothers and sisters, his co heirs as the sons and daughters of God.) He's set for us an Example, but we cannot duplicate his experiences, we can only create our own life as followers of God, using Jesus's example, relying on God's guidance, word and wisdom.

[ Ann is really struggling since moving into the Crew House, but on thing she's learning is that her value isn't based on her age, (or her career, just as Veronica). She's in the midst of her refinement and feels lost and a bit unhinged at times, especially living with many different women of various ages and stages of their own development. What she's gained though thus far, is the comfort that her Father loves her and that she's no less than anyone else and that's supplied her with a new strength she's never had before. She'll struggle, but the Lord Will walk her through... ]

A commitment to our Lord is a life long journey that strengthens us against worldly ways and expectations and frees us from it's imprisonment. It isn't easy, ( especially in today's oversaturated with everything and fast paced world! ). But the freedom, the real freedom we receive while walking in Christ and learning his purposes for daily living is so much greater than the proposed 'freedoms' and sudo joys this world promises us if we follow it's ways. Our purpose exists regardless of our occupations, or status in life.

[Veronica's journey since moving into the Livingthrugrace House has blessed her with a re-connection with her Lord Christ and out of that she's discovering what real purpose is, & what kind of success is connected to her value. She's also discovering her innate talents that are leading her in new directions. She still loves her fashion though! :D ]

[ She's no longer fighting; stretching herself beyond her means, scrambling up the corporate ladder, fighting against a never-ending 'upstream' as she'd done for so long in her former life where, she only valued herself by her external successes based on someone else's formula for what that is. ]

[ Veronica's relationship with the Lord has shown her that her purpose is greater than only benefiting herself. She's discovering her desire to be a part of the inner connectedness of humanity; to reach out and bring others along on her walk with Christ. She's in a new space where she can see from her 'spirit mind' which affords her a revitalized view of her life.]

[ Ok, but what's Violet doing, photobombing?! :D These ladies :() ]

[ We all must walk through the fire to become the refined jewels our Lord created us to be. ]

I've been my own worst enemy so often throughout my life, only to get back up and

repeat the same behaviors again. I'm grateful that my Father's divine patience is extended to me, and the very real fact that he's always there to pick up the pieces! :D It took a time for me to 'get it', to keep the lines open for Father-Daughter connection and communication. I've learned that it's ok because I'm human and it's all a part of the refinement.

Being refined by the Lord isn't supposed to be easy or painless. It's hard work, but if we give up or give in we'll remain the unpolished stones we started out as. Am I still going through ups and downs in my refinement? Yes. Am I completely consistent in my constant connections with my

Father? Not always. But I keep going, I fall down, I keep going...

For You have tried us, O God; You have refined us as silver is refined. You brought us into the net. You laid an oppressive burden upon our loins. You made men ride over our heads; We went through the fire and through water, Yet You brought us out into a place of abundance. ~Psalm 66:10-12

What I desire for anyone who reads this blog post is to know that you have a greater purpose than your current living status. Each one of us is meant for greatness; God's greatness.( That greatness doesn't have to be of any particular size ) This journey doesn't require degrees, certifications, financial wealth, a posse of friends or anything else the world let's us know that we've 'made it.'

[ For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. ~Jeremiah 29:11 ]

The only requirements for discovering our divine purpose is to have a divine connection [ relationship] with our Lord. He desires a relationship with us. He wants us to come to Him with all of our own desires, needs, and troubles and lay them at his feet. He desires our humility over haughtiness, humbleness over pretentious. He desires for us to get smaller so that he can grow taller in us. He is the one who will help us to sort out our 'house of cards' ( :D ). Whatever work you are doing, do it with reverence to the Lord. No job, or career holds any true value of who you are over any other.

[ Which road will you choose? ]

People have been 'mind whipped' into believing that their worth isn't what it should be until or unless they obtain a certain 'type' of job, all work is honorable if done with honor and for our Lord. This isn't to say one shouldn't have a desire for anything you believe you can excel at. It is the Lord who can set us on the path he's designed for us when we allow him to lead and we become the followers. There are no losers for followers of the Lord...

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are you ways my ways, saith the LORD.

~Isaiah 55:8

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