The Lord has been working with me lately on slowing down [ check out our blog post Stop Chasing 'Normal' - Chase God! ] for more on how to get off the crazy hamsters wheel and live with Godly purpose! Ordinary is often used in our vocabulary in the negative. However, I'm seeing ordinary much differently these days...
We are lead to believe that we are to go out in the world and live lives that shine before the world. But we're created to shine before God, and that means for many of us that we may live lives of 'invisible shine'. God sees all our lives, all our works and that's the praise that I'm learning to crave! :)

We're naturally built to crave comfort and happiness. But those things are temporary and often fleeting. [ A Vexation of the spirit. ] eccl. 2 The world is imperfect and can't satisfy our spiritual minds, and there's a place deep with us that recognizes this; this is where that longing comes from. That hole was built into us by God for us to need him! I know I keep repeating this, but being alone with God, listening, praying and being slowing down a bit so that we can be receptive to being led gives us a living joy that cannot be achieved, only received.

[ Doing things to help us reconnect to our Creator is but one positive step in right direction! Recognizing that we need to make a change is the first and most important step to living more purposeful lives. ]
It's easy to lose who we are when we're caught up in worldly living. Living with Godly purpose [connects us to ourselves] through God. We think daily living is tough, but the real work begins learning how to stay connected to our Lord and remembering that he's with us, right beside us at ALL times, so we always have instant access.

[ These ladies may be doing everyday things, ordinary, but the extraordinary begins right there! ]
So, you might ask, where to begin? Begin right where you are! The sooner a relationship with the Lord becomes everyday habit the sooner our minds can be trained for righteous living through the Lord! I can't say how changes will take place for you, our Father has plans for each of us and they're all customized! :()
[ Don't get blinded by the world's Fools Gold! ]
For me, I'm taking care of things I've neglected in my life, taking more time to heal my body without allowing that to over - stress me (because I'm not jumping back onto that dreaded hamsters wheel!) I'm spending time with the Lord, taking time to study the instructions for living as designed by Him. Really backing off of old destructive habits, but it's not easy because I just naturally want to run, run, run forward! Chasing my tail! [ I'm learning from Soloman.] I don't want to get to the end of my life and only just realize that I've lived it empty, chasing the world's empty jackpots.
[ Those first steps to change are never easy! ]
This is a calmer but scary time for me. I'm ( sort of ) a type A when it comes to my life and the order of things! LOL I feel like I'm walking on a tightrope without a net. But that's not true, I have a net, the biggest one available Father God!! FAITH move forward Baby steps...or not! :() full I'm learning to cling to in that. control and that I don't have all the answers for the stages of my days and my life, but the alternative is believing that I do and giving myself the run around! Growing Pains...
So ordinary ain't so bad, in fact, it's extraordinary!
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