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Asthma & Heart Health

[ Lung issues have nothing on this super heart! Hey asthma, catch me if you can!! ]

Strong heart for weakened lungs?! Absolutely!! Heart health is crucial for us all, and for those of us with asthma and other lung diseases our hearts are always working overtime to support our bodies ‘lack of airtime’. 🤪.

Controller Meds that help to support our asthma health can also be straining on the heart. [ Steroids anyone?!🥴 ]. In fact, people with asthma have a 70% higher chance of developing heart disease than those without. As if we don’t have enough problems!🤪🤨

[ Who’s with me on this?🙋🏽‍♀️ Here’s a little something for you, download and use as a wallpaper, for phones or tablets, or print out and slap it right on the fridge! Take that Asthma! ]

[ I guess this guy’s in some distress because his co workers the lung twins are having some work related issues! Sounds like a ‘human resources’ issue! 🤣 ]

Our lungs and heart are partners who with a co dependent relationship. The heart supplies oxygen to the body and oxygen enters the body through the lungs, sooo...if the lungs are having some ‘employee issues’, then so could the heart because it have to work even harder to get that oxygen throughout the body. See, co dependent!😁

[ Movement any kind that appeals to you, get to it! I find deep stretching helps to keep my ever tight muscles around my rib cage, back and chest more elastic, especially when I’m in an asthma flare. ]

[ Chill or stress will in prison us! I know it’s not easy, bit take small increments 10-15 minutes each day to do nothing, to breathe ( check out those breath management apps below )👇🏽 Read, laugh, doodle- it’s surprisingly effective in redirecting the mind into a more restful state! - Remember, we’re NEVER too old for creativity! 🧑🏽‍🎨 Whatever your jam is start today, even for just a few moments, your heart will thank you.♥️ ]

[ So many people believe they're not creative, but we're created to be, by our Creator! It's just that perhaps you've never taken, (or had) the time to explore those endeavors. Disconnecting the mind from everyday stressors helps to rewire it so that we're not producing too much Cortisol the Stress Hormone that effects our total health so vehemently. It takes time, but you can best figure out what actions or NON actions begin to produce a state of relax, of Unfocus... Hey, it could be simply catching up on sleep we're all so deprived of these days! A rested mind is clearer to discover those hidden creative states! ]

Well, we must take our asthma meds, unless otherwise instructed to stop, so let’s work on getting our heart some much needed assistance! We can start with working closely with our doctor to get the best control of our asthma, and that may not be a one way street. Sometimes the road to asthma and inflammation is a winding and twisted road where tests, x rays, and a trial of interchangeable asthma meds must be applied to get the right formula for you.

[ Let’s help our hearts to flourish!! ]

Next it’s our turn to help with a body boosting diet that feeds the heart and immune system keeping it working on full. Anti inflammatory foods and smart lifestyle changes ( Yes this MATTERS! ), are a top priority!☝🏽 Making small changes at your own pace will bring about more effective results than trying to overhaul your entire life! Try taking on just one of these heart bubbles (above) each month or two and build on it.. for a lifetime! Right now I’m working on managing stress.

I've realized that I may be internalizing some stress I’m not fully sure about 🤔

( concerns for my health, family health, etc... ) that could very well be effecting my physical health. Life in these days is heavy and requires not just physical but spiritual strength. Time to work on getting that spirit ‘swoll!’ 💪🏽 My relationship with my Father in Christ is my seatbelt that hold me steady when I feel like I’m going to self eject.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; you rod and your staff, the comfort me. ~Psalms 23:34

~My favorite comfort food ☺️

Deep breath techniques have proven to be helpful in strengthening our lungs, think of it as ‘lung yoga’! There are different kinds of breath work for you to pick and choose one that best suits you.

[ There are many kinds of breathwork techniques, it’s best to check with your doctor before applying, especially if you have other medical conditions. ]

But of course, there’s an app for that!☺️ Listed below are a few apps for both iOS and Android to take you through breath expansion techniques. These breathing techniques are also great for stress reduction and control, which in turn aids the heart!👏🏽👏🏽

Inflammation - don’t you get tired of this word?🙄 But, inflammation is the common connection between asthma and heart disease. This would be chronic inflammation which occurs with most all disease ( arthritis asthma,...). Controlling inflammation in our body is multifaceted and can get frustrating on our end. So let’s start with the familiar: Foods

Now for our Inflammation fighting foods👍🏽

[ Notice the foods that best serve us are the ones that are real recognizable foods! Yes I know we've heard it over and over, but our bodies weren't meant to survive on all cookies all the time! Dang it! ]

Learning to manage asthma is an ever changing and ongoing job and one that we must be diligent about for the sake of our heart health. Lungs and heart, two comrades that can't work without the other, depend on us to clear the roads by managing our health and well being. It's NOT easy or so simple in today's world but we simply have to continue making the effort for these precious temples given to us for a lifetime.

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your new; You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. ~1 Corinthians 6:19-20

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me." ~John 14:1

Yes it can be frightening living with a disease, or illness in which we feel we have little control over. God understands, he knows our hearts, our trials and he's right beside us through every moment ~ Always know that.

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