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Fall Time Activity Safety Tips For Kids

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Pumpkins, cider mills, costume parties and trick or treating can safely be a part of your child's fall time fun with asthma smart living tips!

Kids with asthma and allergies are more vulnerable to health risks during fall season and the addition of outdoor activities, indoor fall scents, and other factors can wreak havoc on a child's allergic health. So let's get into these asthma living fall adjustments to keep your child breathing easy!

Make sure your child's Asthma Action Plan is up to date with their doctor so needed seasonal adjustments can be made ahead of time.

[ Super awesome fall jackets are loaded with handy pockets for allergic life! ]

One tip that applies across all seasons, and includes costumes worn for harvest or halloween occasions is to outfit your child ( teens included ) with clothing that has pockets!

Pockets are lifesavers for storing asthma and allergy meds like rescue inhalers. You can even fit Epi-pens into costumes with a good size pocket to be prepped for emergency situations.

Before heading out to that fall activity; anti-histamines can help your child have some allergy control if they're exposed to grass, hay, or pollens. Check with your doctor to determine what to use and the strength.

Your doctor may suggest indoor activities for severe and active asthma to keep those exposed allergens like pollen, bonfires, dampness, molds, hay, even farm animals from triggering and asthma attack.

It's a good idea to get a medical ID bracelet, or some form of medical ID jewelry for more security; especially for very young children or special needs children who may not be able to verbalize what's happening to them. Teach your child the importance of a medical ID and make it a fun and cool activity. There are many kid friendly medical ID forms of jewelry nowadays! [ type in kids medical ID jewelry ]

[ Purchasing scarves with fun decorations make it more likely your child will wear it. ]

If the air is cool, cold or windy have your child bring a scarf to wear to cover their mouth and nose, or a mask. For teens, places that use fog machines, dry ice or bonfires, and fireplaces or scented candles for atmosphere or inside jack o lanterns can make breathing difficult. Teach your teen to be aware of these possible triggers for their asthma.

[ I feel like this after reading the news 😅]

Being excited or scared ( strong emotions ) can definitely trigger asthma attacks as it's severe stress on the body. If you think an activity may be too much for your child it may be best to seek out alternate calmer activities.

Have some suggestions or help teens with alternate plans as well so they don't feel like they can't participate in any fall fun.

[ Pretty awesome costume and asthma/allergy friendly! ]

Costume safety: If your child has a latex allergy beware that many halloween masks are made from it, or may contain other substances that may trigger a reaction.

Also costumes that have been sitting on store shelves can contain mold, dust and even dust mites [ Eeek! ] You can wash the costume prior to being worn or try vacuum with a hose to clean over entire costumes or just letting the costume air out for a while before wearing.

Home made costumes can be far more allergy asthma/allergy friendly, but be aware of allergens to face paint, makeup or different dyes for kids with exczema and skin allergies.

For kids with food allergies, particularly younger kids; carry some safe treats that you and your child together decide that they can enjoy so they won't have to go without because of traditional candy ingredients. This may not seem as 'cool' to teens, but a n asthma attack or anaphylaxis isn't fun either.

[ Stacey teen years are lead by allergy smart living!✔️]

Talk with your children of all ages so these conversations ( for kids that are old enough to understand , teach them to consistently flip over the product and read those labels ) are common place for them, and they come to understand the importance of doing their part in managing their asthma/allergies.

[ 😂 I think most of us asthmatic & allergics feel like this! ]

It is extra work, and yes it can be a drag at times, ( I know and I'm an adult :() ) but these tips can go far in keeping your kids safe and confident during holiday and seasonal celebrations. By the way same goes for kids attending birthday parties or other celebrations. Remember managing asthma and allergic health is an ongoing process, and practice makes for better living!

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